Epionce Package – Oily / Combination Skin


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This package is the perfect way to start off your Epionce skincare journey.

Specifically tailored for combination / oily skin.

Package includes:

  • Lytic Gel Cleanser – formulated to actively remove oils, dead skin cells and help eliminate harmful microbes, while relieving inflammation and smoothing the skin.
  • Lytic Sport Tx – highly effective in treating skin imperfections and improving the skin’s texture and tone for the more active lifestyle. The light-weight formula is created specifically to safely treat very oily, problem adult and teenage skin by eliminating blackheads, whiteheads, pustules and inflamed blemishes.
  • Lite Renewal Facial Lotion – ultra-light and quick-absorbing formula was especially created for individuals who need light-weight hydration along with barrier protection.



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